Thursday, November 17, 2005


I'm totally torn. My anonymity has been compromised. Not that I was really trying to stay totally anonymous, I was just trying to keep this site out of the hands of family. This failed. Because some family search for our FAMILY blog by our names and not using the link that I had sent out, they stumbled upon this here site. It got back to my mom that I have a "secret" blog and it was said something about me being mean or whatever. My foul language was mentioned but I don't really care about that, I just hate knowing that eyes are watching me. Eyes I don't want to be watching. Kinda takes all the fun out of it.

So, should I move to a new secret local and actually stay incognito or should I just say screw it and stay here? I don't want to lose any readers by moving but then again if you are really interested in what I've got going on here then you'll be up for putting forth the effort into updating one little ol' link. But I've made a name for myself here. Ha, just kidding, but seriously I happen to like the name Mama C-ta. (And since this came up a few times in the last couple days, Mama C-ta = Mama because I'm a mom, C for my name, duh and when you say it out loud it's like "mamacita," the Spanish slang for "baby." Or at least that is what the nice Spanish speaking girl I worked with confirmed for me since I needed to know what the Mexican guys we're yelling at me as I walked by.."Hey Mamacita!")

Anyway, what to do, what to do...think I better sleep on this. Tell me this, would you follow along with me to my new site, lurkers and all? You know you would have to give me your email addy because I obviously couldn't post my new link now could I? That would defeat the purpose. So would ya? Huh? Huh?

*note to family - this is not the site you are looking for. What you are looking for is the G-rated edited version over here. This is the director's cut, the raw version. The real deal!
MY deal so move along!


Blogger ^starshine said...

Dang that does suck. Don't know what to tell ya...either way, I gotta know what is going on with Mr. J!! (Plus where else will I ever see the word "hiney hole" so caringly used in a blog?

1:18 AM  
Blogger Kira said...

one thing that is cool about wordpress is there is a plugin for wordpress, that you can make some posts private and some public. why i'm moving on over. even without the plugin you can make it password protected. i also think with typepad the whole blog can be password protected. not sure.

2:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'd follow you. If you go into settings you can actually change the url of this blog to whatever you want it to be. I did that to mine cause I accidently divulged the previous to my sister in law who I didn't want seeing it anymore so I just changed it.

7:40 AM  
Blogger Carley said...

Crap. I'm feelin' your pain. If you decide to move please email me your new link because I really enjoy your site! And it does suck about the whole Mama C-ta name thing. When I first saw it I thought how clever you were! I put together the whole mama/baby thing, but not the "C" for your name - even MORE clever. :-)

8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cara, if you move your blog, I'll be right there reading it :) Just be sure you let me know where you go!

9:40 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

That's irritating, eh. If you move I'd love it if you would email me and let me know! katiemagic at hotmail dot com.

10:17 AM  
Blogger mamaloo said...

Where you lead, I will follow...

But, I wouldn't worry about it much. Usually family interest wanes. Ultimately, you have a right to publish what you want to publish.

10:53 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

since you are an adult...and you are allowed a place where its safe for you to say whats on your mind, then they can either deal, or move on...

and yes, i would love the new link if you decide to move...

just sayin...


11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read your blog daily... i have a one year old who had similar issues, and it is interesting to read of others that go through it on a daily basis...

she is happy, healthy, and no longer has any allergy issues, by the way...

I would follow you to a new site, just email it to

11:10 AM  
Blogger Am said...

Hi, I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago, and I love it! I would def follow if you'd have me!

11:11 AM  
Blogger Crissy T. said...

delurking, and I would follow. I enjoy hearing about you & J!

11:24 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

I will follow you to!
Let me know when and where....

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another lurker here. I'll follow! Do what's best for you-

11:46 AM  
Blogger snarflemarfle said...

I will follow youuuuuu...
Follow you where ever you may goooooooo!

Where did that come from?

Maybe they'll get over the fact that they found your "secret" blog and then all will be well with the world.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Stella Maternity said...

I would certainly follow you! It sucks that your family found this. I have been wanting to start a personal blog, but I am a little uneasy about certain people finding it! So for now, I have a pretty generic one that is mainly for marketing purposes. Maybe one day I will get the nerve up. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

12:21 PM  
Blogger jay are said...

enjoy reading your blog. If you do decide to change, leave a day or two's notice so I can send my email.
Good luck!

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously, you will do what feels best for you and your family (and by family I mean you, B, and J, not your immediate/extended family)...but I have to say that you do so much GOOD with this blog (for yourself, for your friends, and for people who started out as strangers) that it would be a shame for people to no longer "stumble across your blog"...
Even though your family has been the source of a lot of the distress in your life, it seems like the majority of them genuinely want you to be happy and truly want the best for you. Most of them will recognize that your blog is a safe outlet for your emotions, and an invaluable sounding-board for you to get feedback from other Moms (and health/baby experts), and to share your experiences with others who might otherwise feel alone in their experiences...and on top of that, you even help promote Mom-owned independent businesses! If some members of your family (a tiny minority, I'm sure) want to see the negative (oooh, a curse word! Oh, my! A gripe about a nagging or invasive family member...), I say let them read it! It might do them some good to learn that not all of their opinions are welcome or helpful (or, their own negativity and bitterness might give them an ulcer, but, whatever...).
(Stepping off soapbox now)-- However, if you feel like that feeling of being watched will cause you to censor yourself, then maybe it is better to move to a spot where you can be yourself...
Obviously, I'll follow!

1:43 PM  
Blogger AnnieM said...

count me in!

2:03 PM  
Blogger the mama said...

of course i'll follow you!

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do what feels right, but since you asked my opinion I'm going to agree with Molly. You share your family and your circumstances and people like that. Being public means that even more people can find you and enjoy Mama C-ta and J. If they can't handle the unedited version, then they should move along. That's their decision to make. If, however, you hate feeling like you have to edit yourself for their sake, then you should move. That's your decision to make. Got it?

And of course you know that I will follow you wherever you go!

3:38 PM  
Blogger Kiki said...

I'm all in. I love reading your site. I look forward to it everyday and get kind of irritated on the weekends! But I know you want to spend time with your hubby too!

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy your site, so of course I will go with you!

5:48 PM  
Blogger Bree said...

Oh course I would follow you to a new place!

6:34 PM  
Blogger zozosmamma said...

I'll be there.

8:01 PM  
Blogger Isabel said...

Do what you have to. But I feel your pain. I would die if someone I actually knew found my blog and I don't have anything questionable on it. I just prefer it to me all MINE!

Wherever you go...I'll follow!!

8:57 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

I would follow... I've moved my own blog twice now and as far I know, have lost no readers. (I moved once from a blogspot address to another blogspot address and then again from that address to my own domain). Readers seem to be pretty good about following! :) You update every day, you're interesting... why woudn't we follow? :)

9:05 PM  
Blogger M said...

I hear you, my sister found my blog too so now I can't vent about her (not that there's much to vent anyway). Anyway, I'd follow (if you'd be willing to take me with you!). Oh, and mamacita means young, pretty girl.

9:42 PM  
Blogger Brandi1977 said...

I will follow you. :)

I can understand! That's one of the reasons I moved to wordpress. So I know who is reading and I can protect some posts.

9:56 AM  

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