Thursday, April 21, 2005

H2o Challenge

I’ll be the first person to admit I never drink enough water. Or fluids in general. I am living proof a human can go longer than 7 days without water. I’ve always been that way, and I was never thirsty, it wasn’t like I was punishing myself. I just never needed a drink. But I knew the importance of it when I became pregnant so I did increase my water intake. Obviously it wasn’t enough. But to a person who can survive days in a desert, drinking a few small cups of water seemed like A LOT! I was drinking Orange Juice and getting a lot of fluid from fruits and salads I eat. But I knew I wasn’t meeting the daily minimum requirements for water. I realized that I could end up giving birth to a sun-dried baby so I better step it up. So I have a little challenge set up for myself. I bought a big ass 50 oz bottle to keep at work. I must drink the first half by noon and the second half before I leave. And I’ve actually been drinking more than that at work. Plus I have water with dinner and the rest of the evening and some other fluids with breakfast. I cut back on my OJ and really just trying to drink good old fashioned water (and I realized water is pretty boring). But Bryan has been really cute with it. If I ask for something like “Bryan can I see the remote” He responds with “First drink some water.” I KNOW I’m not getting at least the minimum! And if I meet my daily requirements I’m “rewarded” with a little something for dinner like Sprite or Ginger Ale. It really makes you appreciate the finer beverages in life.

Now that I think about it…wouldn’t it be great if we could give birth to a shriveled up baby so it’s much smaller and then we just add a drop of water and it plumps up to normal size AFTER it comes out?


Blogger Nicole Fleischman said...

I hate water - I am much more of a pop drinker (or soda ya know what I mean). But I do *try* and drink at least 2 32 oz bottles a day. Of course lately I haven't managed 1 but hey I get water from coffee right? Oh and Happy Belated Birthday! And I have diaper bag envy now, I LOVE the one that you picked!

7:56 AM  

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